Analyze consensus motif

The third output from the computational pipeline is a fasta file of the best predicted promoter for each input sequence. For more details about how robust these predictions are, see Section 2 of inspect_BioProspector_results.ipynb.

Given a fasta file of best predictions from a given set of input settings for the pipeline, we next want to

  1. Visualize the consensus motif
  2. Score consensus motif PSSM matches to hexamers of predicted promoters
  3. Analyze occurences of the consensus motif across the genome

For the above analyses, we use the BioProspector outputs from the top 3% of expressed genes across all conditions. However this computational framework makes it easy to produce outputs for several different top percentage threshold. To demonstrate, we compare a range of outputs from different top% thresholds here.

  1. Compare consensus motifs from different top percentage thresholds
In [1]:
import altair as alt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import warnings

import sys
sys.path.append('../') # use modules in main directory

import genbank_utils as gu
import consensus_viz_utils as cu

1. Visualize the consensus motif

In [2]:
# Load BioPropsector output from predicting promoters from the top 3% of expressed loci
selection_f = "../example_outdir/loci_in_top_3perc_upstream_regions_w300_min20_trunc_W6_w6_G18_g15_d1_a1_n200_1604734841_SELECTION.fa"
motif_blocks, m1, m2 = cu.build_2Bmotif_from_selection_file(selection_f)

2. Score consensus motif PSSM matches to hexamers of predicted promoters

The above motif was derived from the first 6 and final 6 bases of each predicted promoter from the set of top loci. Here, we simply apply this the Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM) back to the inputs to gauge in general, how well does this motif match the inputs. If most inputs receive relatively high scores, it suggests that there was a clearer signal that was found among the promoter input sequences provided and the consensus summarizes the signal well across the top loci promoter predcitions. Lower scores indicate that the consensus didn't summarize the predictions very well (perhaps the signal it found wasn't very clear, there were multiple competing signals, or maybe individual inputs didn't have this particular promoter structure (possibly a different sigma factor structure)).

In [3]:
hex_score_df = cu.score_predictions_to_motif(motif_blocks, m1, m2)
locus_tag desc motif_block hex1 hex1_score hex2 hex2_score total_score
0 EQU24_RS02895 EQU24_RS02895||exosortase system-associated pr... TTGACAACATTCAACCTTTAGGCTATTGT TTGACA 8.353386 TATTGT 5.705159 14.058544
1 EQU24_RS02970 EQU24_RS02970|pqqA|pyrroloquinoline quinone pr... TTGCTTTGCCTAAATTATCGTCGTATACT TTGCTT 5.215478 TATACT 7.691535 12.907013
2 EQU24_RS03495 EQU24_RS03495||cold-shock protein TTGACTTTGGGGAAATAAGGCATAGAAT TTGACT 7.306080 TAGAAT 5.739588 13.045668
3 EQU24_RS07185 EQU24_RS07185||glutamate--ammonia ligase TTGTAATTGAGATCAATTAGTTGCTTATAT TTGTAA 5.040391 TTATAT 3.933783 8.974174
4 EQU24_RS07390 EQU24_RS07390|rpmI|50S ribosomal protein L35 CTCAAGGAAACTTACTATTTTTAATCG CTCAAG -0.801626 TAATCG 3.369716 2.568090

In this dataframe, hex1_score and hex2_score represent this predictions log odds score (how well it matches) to the consensus PSSM above. The total_score is the sum of hex1_score and hex2_score. Higher scores indicate better matches to the consensus.

In [4]:
# scatter plot of hex1 vs hex 2
scatter = alt.Chart(
    x=alt.X('hex1_score:Q',axis=alt.Axis(title="-35 Consensus Match")),
    y=alt.Y('hex2_score:Q',axis=alt.Axis(title="-10 Consensus Match")),

# stripplot showing total score (hex1 + hex2)
stripplot = alt.Chart(
        axis=alt.Axis(values=[0], ticks=True, grid=False, labels=False),
        axis=alt.Axis(title="Total Consensus Score")),
    # Generate Gaussian jitter with a Box-Muller transform
).properties(height=200, width=50

# horizontally concat plots
combo = alt.hconcat(
    title=f"Consensus motif match scores to promoter predictions"

Interactive plot!

  • Hover over points to see which prediction they correspond to
  • Zoom and pan to investigate more closely

Quick plot comparing individual predictions match to both the first (-35) and second (-10) promoter blocks. From the left panel, we notice more predictions had closer matches to the -35 consensus while a few had close matches to the -10 consensus. No predictions were quite perfect in both the -35 and -10 positions. The panel on the right displays which predictions exhibited the overall highest scores.

3. Analyze occurences of the consensus motif across the genome

To help convince ourselves that the consensus we found was meaningful, we wanted to make sure that this signal was specific to promoter regions. In particular, we searched for matches to the consensus across the entire M. buryatense genome and recorded the position of each match. Positions were sorted into 4 categories:

  1. in gene: Located inside a feature annotation
  2. intergenic: Beyond 300bp of a feature start coordinate, not inside a feature
  3. <300 to ATG: Within 300bp of a feature start coordinate (including matches from <100 to ATG)
  4. <100 to ATG: Within 100bp of a feature start coordinate (usually an ATG, the translation start site)

In the following analysis, we count the number of PSSM matches that fall into each category and normalize by the total number of genome positions that belong to each category. This normalization indicates if PSSM matches tend to be overrepresented in regions closely upstream of translation start sites (likely promoter regions)

Load genome and feature coords from genbank

In [5]:
gbFile_5G = '../data/'

GENOME_FWD, GENOME_REV,GENOME_LEN = gu.get_genome_fwd_rev_len(gbFile_5G)
print("Genome length:", GENOME_LEN, "bps")

# put into a tuple for a later function that expects this format
genomes = [
Genome length: 4998879 bps
In [6]:
# extract tuples of just the feature coordinates from the genbank object
pos_feat_coords, neg_feat_coords = gu.get_pos_neg_relative_feature_coords(gbFile_5G, GENOME_LEN)

Build arrays for the "distance to feature" and "nearest feature"

For every position in the genome, record:

  • how far is it to the nearest feature start coordinate on the same strand
  • what is the next nearest feature ID to this position in the genome

Use these arrays to count the baseline number of positions in the genome that fall into each category (we'll use this later to normalize PSSM match counts)

In [7]:
pos_dist_array,pos_nearest_feat_array = cu.build_feature_distance_index(pos_feat_coords,GENOME_LEN)
neg_dist_array,neg_nearest_feat_array = cu.build_feature_distance_index(neg_feat_coords,GENOME_LEN)

# make category df for all positions in the gneome to get baseline counts
# of each category
baseline_cat_df = cu.build_genome_position_category_df(pos_dist_array, neg_dist_array)
cat pos_count neg_count total
0 in gene 2017571 2133177 4150748
1 100:300 to ATG 206887 208575 415462
2 <100 to ATG 140842 144902 285744
3 intergenic 2633579 2512225 5145804
4 <300 to ATG 347729 353477 701206

Search for the consensus across the genome

Since BioProspector searched for 2-block motif patterns with a spacer anywhere from 15-18bp, we will similarly consider consensus matches with variable spacing. So first, we will construct a PSSM that combines the -35 and -10 blocks by insert a matrix of 0's (neutral odds) between the blocks. The matrix will be 4x[15,16,17,18]. We'll search for all of these PSSMs across the genome and record all matches (genome positions with a log odds score > 0, so sequences that looks more like the consensus than random). Based on the match position's end coordinate, we will assign each match to one of the 4 genome categories outlined above.

In [8]:
# from the consensus motif blocks, build variably spaced PSSMs (with 15-18bp spacers)
var_spaced_motifs = cu.build_dict_of_motifs_to_try(m1, m2)
In [9]:
# search for PSSM matches in the forward and reverse direction
motif_match_df = cu.find_and_score_motifs_in_seqs(var_spaced_motifs,genomes,{})
motif_match_df = cu.add_genome_category_to_pssm_matches(
Adding categories to pssm matches...
seq_id seq_name score pos seq_len spacer full_seq match_best? motif_loc nearest_feat
0 genome_fwd genome_fwd 0.009014 8 4998879 15 ACTCTGGAACAACTGTCTCGCTAAACT False in gene EQU24_RS00005
1 genome_fwd genome_fwd 4.560510 20 4998879 15 CTGTCTCGCTAAACTTGAAAATGAAAT False in gene EQU24_RS00005
2 genome_fwd genome_fwd 4.211860 34 4998879 15 TTGAAAATGAAATTTCTTCCTCGGAAT False in gene EQU24_RS00005
3 genome_fwd genome_fwd 0.515077 50 4998879 15 TTCCTCGGAATTCAGCACCTGGATTAG False in gene EQU24_RS00005
4 genome_fwd genome_fwd 2.806593 91 4998879 15 TCGAAACCGATGGACAAATCAAGTTAT False in gene EQU24_RS00005

Analyze the number of matches in each genome category

In [10]:
motif_match_cat_df = cu.analyze_motif_matches_across_genome(

Normalizing pssm match counts
cat pos_count neg_count total pssm_match_count match_perc
0 in gene 2017571 2133177 4150748 481616 0.116031
1 100:300 to ATG 206887 208575 415462 69177 0.166506
2 <100 to ATG 140842 144902 285744 62479 0.218654
3 intergenic 2633579 2512225 5145804 692056 0.134489
4 <300 to ATG 347729 353477 701206 131656 0.187757

This "category dataframe" shows the total number of positions in each category in the total column (a sum of the pos_count and neg_count columns). The pssm_match_count column is the count of PSSM matches. The match_perc column is the pssm_match_count divided by the total. This normalization is necessary because the total number of positions in the genome that are "intergenic" or "in gene" is far greater than the number of positions within 100bp of a start coordinate, and thus there are many more chances for matches to occur. Here, we're interested to see if there's an enrichment for relatively more matches occuring in promoter regions (areas closely upstream of features), which would suggest the motif we found with BioProspector indeed is enriched in these areas and not a random, non-specific signal.

Visualize all normalized PSSM counts

In [11]:

Analyze the number of high scoring matches in each genome category

While the above chart indeed shows an enrichment of PSSM matches to regions closely upstream of features, many of these matches are relatively low quality (low log-odds score). Next, we simply filter the motif match data frame to only extremely high scoring matches (log-odds above a threshold of 12).

In [12]:
# set a log odds score threshold
top_motif_match_df = motif_match_df[motif_match_df['score']>threshold]

# analyze categories for top matches only
top_motif_match_cat_df = cu.analyze_motif_matches_across_genome(

Normalizing pssm match counts
cat pos_count neg_count total pssm_match_count match_perc
0 in gene 2017571 2133177 4150748 435 0.000105
1 100:300 to ATG 206887 208575 415462 140 0.000337
2 <100 to ATG 140842 144902 285744 167 0.000584
3 intergenic 2633579 2512225 5145804 748 0.000145
4 <300 to ATG 347729 353477 701206 307 0.000438
In [13]:
In [14]:
# horizontal versions

Indeed, when only considering extremely strong matches to the consensus motif, the enrichment in upstream regions (<100 to ATG and <300 to ATG) is amplified

4. Compare consensus motifs from different top percentage thresholds

While the above analyses use the top 3% of expressed genes, it may be useful to compare results for different percentage thresholds. Here we examine and compare the consensus results for the top 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,and 20% thresholds.

In [15]:
# dictionary of various biopropsector pipeline outputs
f_dict = {
In [16]:
def compare_consensus_motifs(f_dict,threshold=12):
    Given a file dict of bioprospector outputs:
    1. determine the consensus motif
    2. score the consensus against the input promoter predictions
    3. search for the consensus across both strands of the genome
    # save various intermediate dfs to concat at the end
    hex_score_dfs = []
    motif_match_dfs = []
    motif_match_cat_dfs = []
    top_motif_match_cat_dfs = []
    # loop through all selection files for different n-percent thresholds
    for nperc in f_dict:
        print(f"\nTop {nperc}% consensus")
        # extract the consensus motif in 2 blocks
        motif_blocks, m1, m2 = cu.build_2Bmotif_from_selection_file(f_dict[nperc])
        hex_score_df = cu.score_predictions_to_motif(motif_blocks, m1, m2)
        # add nperc column
        hex_score_df['nperc'] = nperc

        # while we have a specific consensus motif block for this file, search
        # for it across the genome
        # from the consensus motif blocks, build variably spaced PSSMs (with 15-18bp spacers)
        var_spaced_motifs = cu.build_dict_of_motifs_to_try(m1, m2)

        # search for PSSM matches in the forward and reverse direction
        motif_match_df = cu.find_and_score_motifs_in_seqs(var_spaced_motifs,genomes,{})
        # add the genome category
        motif_match_df = cu.add_genome_category_to_pssm_matches(motif_match_df,
        # add nperc column
        motif_match_df['nperc'] = nperc
        motif_match_cat_df = cu.analyze_motif_matches_across_genome(
        # add nperc column
        motif_match_cat_df['nperc'] = nperc
        # also calculate enrichment for the top scoring matches
        print(f"Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold={threshold})")
        top_motif_match_df = motif_match_df[motif_match_df['score']>threshold]

        top_motif_match_cat_df = cu.analyze_motif_matches_across_genome(
        # add nperc column
        top_motif_match_cat_df['nperc'] = nperc
    # concat all dfs into combined version
    print("Concatting final dfs")
    all_hex_df = pd.concat(hex_score_dfs)
    all_motif_match_df = pd.concat(motif_match_dfs)
    all_motif_match_cat_df = pd.concat(motif_match_cat_dfs)
    all_top_motif_match_cat_df = pd.concat(top_motif_match_cat_dfs)
    return all_hex_df, all_motif_match_df, all_motif_match_cat_df, all_top_motif_match_cat_df
In [17]:
all_hex_df, \
all_motif_match_df, \
all_motif_match_cat_df, \
all_top_motif_match_cat_df = compare_consensus_motifs(f_dict)
Top 1% consensus
Adding categories to pssm matches...
Normalizing pssm match counts
Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold=12)
Normalizing pssm match counts

Top 2% consensus
Adding categories to pssm matches...
Normalizing pssm match counts
Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold=12)
Normalizing pssm match counts

Top 3% consensus
Adding categories to pssm matches...
Normalizing pssm match counts
Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold=12)
Normalizing pssm match counts

Top 4% consensus
Adding categories to pssm matches...
Normalizing pssm match counts
Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold=12)
Normalizing pssm match counts

Top 5% consensus
Adding categories to pssm matches...
Normalizing pssm match counts
Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold=12)
Normalizing pssm match counts

Top 6% consensus
Adding categories to pssm matches...
Normalizing pssm match counts
Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold=12)
Normalizing pssm match counts

Top 10% consensus
Adding categories to pssm matches...
Normalizing pssm match counts
Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold=12)
Normalizing pssm match counts

Top 20% consensus
Adding categories to pssm matches...
Normalizing pssm match counts
Calculating for top scoring matches (threshold=12)
Normalizing pssm match counts
Concatting final dfs
In [18]:
locus_tag desc motif_block hex1 hex1_score hex2 hex2_score total_score nperc
0 EQU24_RS12095 EQU24_RS12095||cytochrome c CGCTTTATCTCAAAATCCTAGCGAAACA CGCTTT 7.692483 GAAACA 6.110931 13.803413 1
1 EQU24_RS12525 EQU24_RS12525|ssrA|transfer-messenger RNA GAATTTAATTGTTAATATCGCGCAACA GAATTT 3.534054 GCAACA 7.489443 11.023497 1
2 EQU24_RS16195 EQU24_RS16195||hypothetical protein AGCATTACCCTAAAATGACCGCGCGAAGTA AGCATT 6.062433 GAAGTA 6.110931 12.173364 1
3 EQU24_RS18140 EQU24_RS18140|moxF|PQQ-dependent dehydrogenase... CGCTTTTCCCGTCATCTGGGTGCTGTA CGCTTT 7.692483 GCTGTA 6.351939 14.044422 1
4 EQU24_RS18355 EQU24_RS18355||hypothetical protein GGCTTGACGGCGGCTATCCCTGCCGCC GGCTTG 6.799398 GCCGCC 3.945122 10.744520 1
In [19]:
seq_id seq_name score pos seq_len spacer full_seq match_best? motif_loc nearest_feat nperc
0 genome_fwd genome_fwd 4.309251 43 4998879 15 AAATTTCTTCCTCGGAATTCAGCACCT False in gene EQU24_RS00005 1
1 genome_fwd genome_fwd 3.320483 66 4998879 15 ACCTGGATTAGACCTTTGCAGGCAATC False in gene EQU24_RS00005 1
2 genome_fwd genome_fwd 0.666263 78 4998879 15 CCTTTGCAGGCAATCGAAACCGATGGA False in gene EQU24_RS00005 1
3 genome_fwd genome_fwd 3.001706 129 4998879 15 CGGTTTGTGCTGGATTGGGTAAAAGAA False in gene EQU24_RS00005 1
4 genome_fwd genome_fwd 0.634690 153 4998879 15 GAACATCATTTCGCCAAACTGGAAGAA False in gene EQU24_RS00005 1
In [20]:
cat pos_count neg_count total pssm_match_count match_perc nperc
0 in gene 2017571 2133177 4150748 674514 0.162504 1
1 100:300 to ATG 206887 208575 415462 65080 0.156645 1
2 <100 to ATG 140842 144902 285744 44618 0.156147 1
3 intergenic 2633579 2512225 5145804 811543 0.157710 1
4 <300 to ATG 347729 353477 701206 109698 0.156442 1
In [21]:
cat pos_count neg_count total pssm_match_count match_perc nperc
0 in gene 2017571 2133177 4150748 631 0.000152 1
1 100:300 to ATG 206887 208575 415462 43 0.000103 1
2 <100 to ATG 140842 144902 285744 39 0.000136 1
3 intergenic 2633579 2512225 5145804 805 0.000156 1
4 <300 to ATG 347729 353477 701206 82 0.000117 1

Visualize PSSM scores against input sequences

In [22]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
sns.swarmplot(data=all_hex_df, x='nperc',y='total_score')
plt.xlabel("Top N% threshold")
plt.ylabel("Sum of PSSM match scores to hexamer predictions")
plt.title("Distribution of Consensus match scores to promoter predictions")
In [23]:
stripplot = alt.Chart(
    #title=f"Prediction consensus matches"
        axis=alt.Axis(values=[0], ticks=True, grid=False, labels=False),
    y=alt.Y('total_score:Q',axis=alt.Axis(title="Total Consensus Score")),
    # Generate Gaussian jitter with a Box-Muller transform
).properties(height=200, width=100)"consensus_varying_n_stripplot.html")

Same basic plot as swarm plot but with tooltip interactivity

Visualize genome category enrichment of consensus matches

In [24]:
def compare_genome_cat_enrichment(df,sci=False):
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=8, sharey=True, figsize=(15,8))
    axes_list = [item for sublist in axes for item in sublist] 
    genome_cat_order = ['in gene','intergenic','100:300 to ATG','<100 to ATG']

    for nperc, sub_df in df.groupby("nperc"):
        # calculate the rank of each match by vote count

        # make the bar chart on the next axis
        ax = axes_list.pop(0)

        # axis and title configs
        ax.set_title(f"{nperc} %")#.split('|')[0])
        ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=14)

    # Now use the matplotlib .remove() method to 
    # delete anything we didn't use
    if sci:
        plt.ticklabel_format(axis="y", style="sci", scilimits=(0,0))
    for ax in axes_list:
    return fig.tight_layout()
In [25]:
# all pssm matches
In [26]:
# high scoring pssm above 12

Side by side, we can see for which percentage thresholds there was strong enrichment of the consensus in sequences regions immediately upstream of annotated features. Notably, the consensus derived from the top 4% seems like an anomly: the hexamer match to its own inputs is lower, and the overall information content of the consensus is lower than the consensus for 3% and 5%. Due to this low information content, its more generic, so it finds more matches, however this also leads to fewer strong matches. In fact, there were no sequence matches in the genome that even reached a 12 log odds score.

Otherwise, the consensus motif for the top 2% and 3% of genes seems to be the strongest candidate promoter signal demonstrating upstream enrichement.

In [ ]: